Empowering Doorwoman

Empowering Doorwoman

  • 2021-06-29 17:08:29
  • 小编

---The name was inspired by Franz Kafka’ work, ‘Before the Law.’ In the book the character was kept out of the door to the law till his death, waiting for the doorman’s positive permission, even though that door was only open for him.

This is an experimental project. So many people----immigrants, foreigners, and even locals---- do not even know where to ask a question when they feel they might need legal support. They are kept out of the door that is supposed to lead them into the law. It is not just about financial capability; many factors such as cultural difference, language barrier, and even psychological disempowerment constitute real obstacles. We want to do something to serve our community. We may or may not be able to help you, and we may or may not charge for the services, but we will try to direct you in the right direction if we can. We could support you to work with other attorneys or legal resources. In short, we will try to empower you. If you feel you might need legal support but do not know where to start, shoot us an email and let us figure out what we can do for you.

Currently we work remotely

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